Red Harvest: A Graphic Novel of the Terror Famine in 1930s Soviet Ukraine by Michael Cherkas

Have you checked out our new shelves lately? If not, you’re missing out! A bunch of new graphic novels have just hit the shelves! I cannot wait to read the stack of new nonfiction ones on my desk. My newest nonfiction graphic novel read is heavy: Red Harvest: A Graphic Novel of the Terror Famine in 1930s Soviet Ukraine by Michael Cherkas.

Holodomor. Before reading Red Harvest, I had no idea what this was. This terror famine was incited when Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin brought war to the Soviet peasantry. Holodomor, the Ukrainian famine, killed at least four million Ukrainians during the fall and winter of 1932-1933. The ruling Communist Party with Stalin’s directives brought forced large-scale collectivization of individual farms and farmers to the Soviet Ukraine and other parts of the Soviet Union. Red Harvest focuses on events that happened in these places between 1929-1933, specifically focusing on Mykola Kovalenko and his family. Mykola was the only member of his family to survive the famine. The horrors of what happened to his family and fellow villagers are laid bare for readers to see.

Red Harvest by Michael Cherkas is heartbreaking. The author’s decision to focus on Mykola Kovalenko, a Ukranian immigrant to Canada, and his family brings into focus the true terror this famine brought to millions of people in such a short amount of time. Mykola tells his story through a series of flashbacks as he prepares to visit the Ukraine for the first time in decades. I highly recommend you read this graphic nonfiction and then do more research on the Holodomor as their stories should never be forgotten.

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