Polar Vortex: A Family Memoir by Denise Dorrance

Denise Dorrance’s debut graphic memoir, Polar Vortex: A Family Memoir, tells the story of two months of Denise’s life when she comes back to Iowa to take care of her elderly mother. What hooked me about this book is that it takes place in Cedar Rapids, Iowa! Once I saw that in the description, I knew I had to read this book.

Every day Denise calls her mother to check in. Years ago, Denise moved to London, leaving her mom behind in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. After her father passed, her mom started to decline. Today, Denise is worried because her mother isn’t answering the phone. When she receives an alarming email and then an even more concerning phone call, Denise books the first flight she can get back to Cedar Rapids and rushes to her mom’s hospital bedside. When Denise arrives, she is shocked to see her mother struggling so much. She is lying in the bed injured, bruised, scattered, and confused. At a loss of what to do, Denise quickly finds her one week trip back stretching out to two months. Battling insurance issues and a delicate relationship with her sister, Denise just wants to make sure that her mother is taken care of how she wants. One major barrier to assessing what her mother wants: dementia. Moments of confusion start to outnumber the moments of clarity, leading Denise forced to make an impossible decision about her mother’s care. With a prayer and a hope, Denise leaps into the unknown.

This graphic novel was beautifully written and handles heart-breaking topics with grace and sincerity. Denise isn’t afraid to talk about the bad, alongside the good, in stark terms. By drawing the Grim Reaper into the story, she finds a place to process her emotions as she deals with curveballs thrown her way by family, insurance, care homes, and the weather! Definitely recommend this read.

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