New at the Library!

We’re so excited to tell you about another new service at the Davenport Library!

Want to add some instant curb appeal to your house? Is your yard looking tired and worn after the winter months? Spring is (mostly) here which makes it the perfect time to turn your attention to your yard! Become the envy of the neighborhood with a little help from the library! Freshen up your space with our new Garden Library service!

The Garden Library is easy to use. Simply look through our catalog of available plants – which include trees, shrubs and perennials – and choose your favorites. (TIP: If you need help deciding, you can use our Book a Librarian service for expert design advice!). Our inventory includes ornamental and fruit trees, shrubs of all kinds and perennials such as peonies, daylilies, hosta and black-eye susan. Your yard will become vibrant and colorful in no time!

Plants are available at all three of our locations – check the catalog for availability. Plants check out for three weeks and can be renewed one time if no one else has reserved it. To return the plant, please dig it up and return it to the library building that you checked it out from – be mindful of the plant’s root system! Any damaged foliage or infestation of disease or insects will be billed to your account. Overdue fees are $1 per day per item.

Now get out there and start dreaming up your perfect yard!


Haha! April Fool! We do not – I repeat, do not – have live garden plants for you to check out! Libraries have a huge variety of products and services to borrow (for instance, we have wi-fi Hotspots, video games, e-books, guitars and movies among many other items!) but it’s unlikely we’ll be lending out trees (imagine having to dig it up again after three weeks!) anytime soon/ever!

However, we DO have a new garden-related service which will be arriving on April 19 – a Seed Library! Our Seed Library, which will be housed at the Main library, is made up of envelopes that contain a small number of seeds, which you will be able to take to plant in your own garden. You are not required to return the seeds! We have (through a combination of purchasing and a grant) a wide variety of vegetable, herb and flower seeds, all of which have been obtained from Seed Savers Exchange in Decorah, Iowa. These seeds are all heirloom varieties, many of which you won’t find in seed racks at the store and many of which have interesting stories, having traveled from across the world and preserved for generations in family gardens.

Watch this space and other Library media outlets for more information and plan on stopping by the Main library starting on  April 19 to take a look at the Seed Library and pick up a few gems for your own garden!


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