Men Have Called her Crazy

Plain-spoken and raw, Anna Marie Tendler bears all in this vulnerable biography.   In short, it covers *most of* her male relationships from pre-teen to present.  They all shape her, the artist, as a single cumulative work – even the ones that are hurtful, traumatic or unfair.  If you’re tuning in like I did in hopes of salacious details on recent ex-husband John Mulaney, you will find nothing here.  Every other dude she crossed paths with, affirmative.  But not one iota about Baby J.  And that’s more than fine.  If the best revenge is “living well”, then this radio silence is a dish served ice-cold.

Confession:  Somehow I could handle the mental health breakdown, suicidal ideation, and the loss of will to live.  But I had to bail at the end of the book when her fur child, Petunia, crossed the rainbow bridge.  May you be stronger.  Incidentally, Petunia was her sole recorded reason to live during inpatient hospitalization.

As evidenced by her leaps and bounds, Tendler clearly draws from a deep well of multidisciplinary artistic talent. And, as it turns out, she’s great at audiobook narration.  However, she portrays her employment story arc as that of an itinerant chimney sweep of a creative.  One minute she’s a struggling art student, the next doing makeup and hair in Hollywood.  Then she’s setting records at art shows — the medium, photography.  The current (and lucrative) endeavor is custom-crafted Victorian lampshades.  Methinks she’s more humble than merely failing upwards.


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