
In the September 16th issue of Entertainment Weekly, Stephen King coins a new term, “ManFiction”. It has become the buzz of the blogs. In Stephen’s words:

“guys have what my son Joe calls ”manfiction.” And publishers sell it by the ton. Here’s a concept so simple it’s easy to miss: What men want from an Elmore Leonard novel is exactly what women want from a Nora Roberts novel — escape and entertainment. And while it’s true that manfiction can be guilty of objectifying women, chick lit often does the same thing to men”

Here is who Stephen King considers manfiction writers:

  • Robert B. Parker
  • Jonathan Kellerman
  • Dashiell Hammett
  • Raymond Chandler
  • John D. MacDonald
  • Michael Connelly
  • Robert Crais
  • Richard Stark
  • Lee Child

If you are interested in what titles we have, please give us a call at 326-7844 and we will get you on your manly way.

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