Books to help you discuss tough topics with kids

Sometimes when caregivers face a difficult topic they need to discuss with a child, the grownup doesn’t know where to start. They are afraid of saying the wrong thing but can make the situation worse by saying nothing at all.

The following are picture books in our Literacy and Learning Collection, meant for caregivers and children to read together. These books also offer additional guidance for caregivers.

From My Head to My Toes by Aly Raisman gently introduces young readers to the topics of consent and bodily autonomy in a positive way.

My Body Safety Rules by Jayneen Sanders teaches children with disability about body safety and consent and provides them with essential skills to recognize unsafe situations. Using age-appropriate language and illustrations, this book addresses the needs and challenges often faced by children with disability, helping them to understand their rights in regard to their body and personal space.

The idea of parents taking a break from or ending their relationship is scary and sad for children of all ages. If My Parents Are Divorced by Dagmar Geisler shows how different families can deal with a separation and which insecurities may arise in the minds of children.

Having a family member diagnosed with cancer can be scary and confusing for children. Cancer doesn’t just affect those who have it, but their family and friends as well. Momma Has Cancer by Phi Thach will take your child through journeys of pain and disease but also strength and encouragement.

What Does Grief Feel Like? by Korie Leigh shares the many ways people can grieve when a loved one dies and validates children’s unique grief experiences. Open-ended questions throughout the book invite children to share what they are thinking, feeling, and going through.

The Literacy and Learning Collection carries even more titles to help guide you through parenting in unusual and challenging circumstances. Items cover topics in mind, body, health and sex education, neurodivergent learners, and healing from trauma, abuse and violence.

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