2 things are certain in life…and this one isn’t death

020708.jpgIt turns out Uncle Sam still wants his cut, gang. Furthermore, he would appreciate the efficiency of you, Mr. or Ms Citizen, filing electronically.

DPL tries to accommodate taxpayers on both sides of the technology divide. The library is one of the few places which still distributes tax forms and publications. If the form you need is not one of the standard issue we stock in our displays at Main and Fairmount, one of the crack reference staff can help you locate it on the IRS’s labyrinthine site.

Some printing charges may apply. Seriously. Running off a few of those 90+ page tax tomes could contribute to deforestation.

One thought on “2 things are certain in life…and this one isn’t death

  1. The staff at Davenport library do an excellent job of stocking and organizing forms. Thank you so much for your efforts.

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